
class whalrus.RuleSequentialElimination(*args, rules: Union[list, whalrus.rules.rule.Rule] = None, eliminations: Union[list, whalrus.eliminations.elimination.Elimination] = None, propagate_tie_break=True, **kwargs)[source]

A rule by sequential elimination (such as RuleTwoRound).

  • args – Cf. parent class.
  • rules (list of Rule) – A list of rules, one for each round. Unlike for RuleIteratedElimination, different rounds may use different voting rules.
  • eliminations (list of Elimination) – A list of elimination algorithms, one for each round except the last one.
  • propagate_tie_break (bool) – If True (default), then the tie-breaking rule of this object is also used for the base rules. Cf. RuleIteratedElimination for more explanation on this parameter.
  • kwargs – Cf. parent class.


>>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination(
...     ['a > b > c > d > e', 'b > c > d > e > a'], weights=[2, 1],
...     rules=[RuleBorda(), RulePlurality(), RulePlurality()],
...     eliminations=[EliminationBelowAverage(), EliminationLast(k=1)])
>>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_
{'a': 8, 'b': 10, 'c': 7, 'd': 4, 'e': 1}
>>> rule.elimination_rounds_[1].rule_.gross_scores_
{'a': 2, 'b': 1, 'c': 0}
>>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_
{'a': 2, 'b': 1}

If rules is not a list, the number of rounds is inferred from eliminations. An application of this is to define the two-round system:

>>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination(
...     ['a > b > c > d > e', 'b > a > c > d > e', 'c > a > b > d > e'], weights=[2, 2, 1],
...     rules=RulePlurality(), eliminations=[EliminationLast(k=-2)])
>>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_
{'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 0, 'e': 0}
>>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_
{'a': 3, 'b': 2}

Note: there exists a shortcut for the above rule in particular, the class RuleTwoRound.

Similarly, if elimination is not a list, the number of rounds is deduced from rules:

>>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination(
...     ['a > b > c > d > e', 'b > a > c > d > e'], weights=[2, 1],
...     rules=[RuleBorda(), RuleBorda(), RulePlurality()], eliminations=EliminationLast(k=1))
>>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_
{'a': 11, 'b': 10, 'c': 6, 'd': 3, 'e': 0}
>>> rule.elimination_rounds_[1].rule_.gross_scores_
{'a': 8, 'b': 7, 'c': 3, 'd': 0}
>>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_
{'a': 2, 'b': 1, 'c': 0}

“Cotrailers” of the election, i.e. the candidates that fare worst in the election. This is the last equivalence class in order_. For example, in RuleScoreNum, it is the candidates that are tied for the worst score.


Cowinners of the election, i.e. the candidates that fare best in the election.. This is the first equivalence class in order_. For example, in RuleScoreNum, it is the candidates that are tied for the best score.


The elimination rounds. A list of Elimination objects. All rounds except the last one.


The final round, which decides the winner of the election.


Number of candidates.


The rounds. All rounds but the last one are Elimination objects. The last one is a Rule object.


Note that in some cases, there may be fewer actual rounds than declared in the definition of the rule:

>>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination(
...     ['a > b > c > d', 'a > c > d > b', 'a > d > b > c'],
...     rules=[RuleBorda(), RulePlurality(), RulePlurality()],
...     eliminations=[EliminationBelowAverage(), EliminationLast(k=1)])
>>> len(rule.rounds_)
>>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_
{'a': 9, 'b': 3, 'c': 3, 'd': 3}
>>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_
{'a': 3}

Result of the election as a strict order over the candidates. The first element is the winner, etc. This may use the tie-breaking rule.


The “trailer” of the election. This is the last candidate in strict_order_ and also the unfavorable choice of the tie-breaking rule in cotrailers_.


The winner of the election. This is the first candidate in strict_order_ and also the choice of the tie-breaking rule in cowinners_.
