Source code for whalrus.rules.rule_sequential_elimination

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Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

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from whalrus.utils.utils import cached_property
from whalrus.rules.rule import Rule
from whalrus.rules.rule_borda import RuleBorda
from whalrus.rules.rule_plurality import RulePlurality
from whalrus.eliminations.elimination import Elimination
from whalrus.eliminations.elimination_last import EliminationLast
from whalrus.eliminations.elimination_below_average import EliminationBelowAverage
from typing import Union
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain

[docs]class RuleSequentialElimination(Rule): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """ A rule by sequential elimination (such as :class:`RuleTwoRound`). Parameters ---------- args Cf. parent class. rules : list of Rule A list of rules, one for each round. Unlike for :class:`RuleIteratedElimination`, different rounds may use different voting rules. eliminations: list of Elimination A list of elimination algorithms, one for each round except the last one. propagate_tie_break : bool If True (default), then the tie-breaking rule of this object is also used for the base rules. Cf. :class:`RuleIteratedElimination` for more explanation on this parameter. kwargs Cf. parent class. Examples -------- >>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination( ... ['a > b > c > d > e', 'b > c > d > e > a'], weights=[2, 1], ... rules=[RuleBorda(), RulePlurality(), RulePlurality()], ... eliminations=[EliminationBelowAverage(), EliminationLast(k=1)]) >>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_ {'a': 8, 'b': 10, 'c': 7, 'd': 4, 'e': 1} >>> rule.elimination_rounds_[1].rule_.gross_scores_ {'a': 2, 'b': 1, 'c': 0} >>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_ {'a': 2, 'b': 1} If ``rules`` is not a list, the number of rounds is inferred from ``eliminations``. An application of this is to define the two-round system: >>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination( ... ['a > b > c > d > e', 'b > a > c > d > e', 'c > a > b > d > e'], weights=[2, 2, 1], ... rules=RulePlurality(), eliminations=[EliminationLast(k=-2)]) >>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_ {'a': 2, 'b': 2, 'c': 1, 'd': 0, 'e': 0} >>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_ {'a': 3, 'b': 2} Note: there exists a shortcut for the above rule in particular, the class :class:`RuleTwoRound`. Similarly, if ``elimination`` is not a list, the number of rounds is deduced from ``rules``: >>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination( ... ['a > b > c > d > e', 'b > a > c > d > e'], weights=[2, 1], ... rules=[RuleBorda(), RuleBorda(), RulePlurality()], eliminations=EliminationLast(k=1)) >>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_ {'a': 11, 'b': 10, 'c': 6, 'd': 3, 'e': 0} >>> rule.elimination_rounds_[1].rule_.gross_scores_ {'a': 8, 'b': 7, 'c': 3, 'd': 0} >>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_ {'a': 2, 'b': 1, 'c': 0} """ def __init__(self, *args, rules: Union[list, Rule] = None, eliminations: Union[list, Elimination] = None, propagate_tie_break=True, **kwargs): # Default values if eliminations is None: eliminations = EliminationLast(k=1) # Deal with the polymorphism of the definition if isinstance(rules, list): n_rounds = len(rules) elif isinstance(eliminations, list): n_rounds = len(eliminations) + 1 else: n_rounds = 1 if isinstance(rules, Rule): rules.delete_cache() rules = [deepcopy(rules) for _ in range(n_rounds)] if isinstance(eliminations, Elimination): eliminations.delete_cache() eliminations = [deepcopy(eliminations) for _ in range(n_rounds - 1)] # Record variables and initialize self.rules = rules self.eliminations = eliminations self.propagate_tie_break = propagate_tie_break super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _check_profile(self, candidates: set) -> None: # We delegate this task to the base rules. pass @cached_property def rounds_(self) -> list: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences """list: The rounds. All rounds but the last one are :class:`Elimination` objects. The last one is a :class:`Rule` object. Examples -------- Note that in some cases, there may be fewer actual rounds than declared in the definition of the rule: >>> rule = RuleSequentialElimination( ... ['a > b > c > d', 'a > c > d > b', 'a > d > b > c'], ... rules=[RuleBorda(), RulePlurality(), RulePlurality()], ... eliminations=[EliminationBelowAverage(), EliminationLast(k=1)]) >>> len(rule.rounds_) 2 >>> rule.elimination_rounds_[0].rule_.gross_scores_ {'a': 9, 'b': 3, 'c': 3, 'd': 3} >>> rule.final_round_.gross_scores_ {'a': 3} """ rounds = [] candidates = self.candidates_ for i, elimination in enumerate(self.eliminations): rule = self.rules[i] if self.propagate_tie_break: rule.tie_break = self.tie_break rule(ballots=self.profile_converted_, candidates=candidates) elimination(rule=rule) candidates = elimination.qualified_ if candidates: rounds.append(elimination) else: rounds.append(rule) break else: rule = self.rules[-1] if self.propagate_tie_break: rule.tie_break = self.tie_break rule(ballots=self.profile_converted_, candidates=candidates) rounds.append(rule) return rounds @cached_property def elimination_rounds_(self) -> list: """list: The elimination rounds. A list of :class:`Elimination` objects. All rounds except the last one. """ return self.rounds_[:-1] @cached_property def final_round_(self) -> Rule: """Rule: The final round, which decides the winner of the election. """ return self.rounds_[-1] @cached_property def order_(self) -> list: return (self.final_round_.order_ + list(chain(*[elimination.eliminated_order_ for elimination in self.elimination_rounds_[::-1]])))