Source code for whalrus.utils.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pyparsing import Group, Word, ZeroOrMore, alphas, nums, ParseException
from bisect import bisect_left
from fractions import Fraction
from decimal import Decimal
from numbers import Number

def _cache(f):
    Auxiliary decorator used by ``cached_property``.

    f : callable
        A method with no argument (except ``self``).

        The same function, but with a `caching' behavior.
    name = f.__name__

    # noinspection PyProtectedMember
    def _f(*args):
            return args[0]._cached_properties[name]
        except KeyError:
            # Not stored in cache
            value = f(*args)
            args[0]._cached_properties[name] = value
            return value
        except AttributeError:
            # cache does not even exist
            value = f(*args)
            args[0]._cached_properties = {name: value}
            return value
    _f.__doc__ = f.__doc__
    return _f

[docs]def cached_property(f): """ Decorator used in replacement of @property to put the value in cache automatically. The first time the attribute is used, it is computed on-demand and put in cache. Later accesses to the attributes will use the cached value. Cf. :class:`DeleteCacheMixin` for an example. """ return property(_cache(f))
[docs]class DeleteCacheMixin: """ Mixin used to delete cached properties. Cf. decorator :meth:`cached_property`. Examples -------- >>> class Example(DeleteCacheMixin): ... @cached_property ... def x(self): ... print('Big computation...') ... return 6 * 7 >>> a = Example() >>> a.x Big computation... 42 >>> a.x 42 >>> a.delete_cache() >>> a.x Big computation... 42 """ # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit def delete_cache(self) -> None: self._cached_properties = dict()
[docs]def parse_weak_order(s: str) -> list: """ Convert a string representing a weak order to a list of sets. Parameters ---------- s : str Returns ------- list A list of sets, where each set is an indifference class. The first set of the list contains the top (= most liked) candidates, while the last set of the list contains the bottom (= most disliked) candidates. Examples -------- >>> s = 'Alice ~ Bob ~ Catherine32 > me > you ~ us > them' >>> parse_weak_order(s) == [{'Alice', 'Bob', 'Catherine32'}, {'me'}, {'you', 'us'}, {'them'}] True """ # Build the parser candidate = Word(alphas.upper() + alphas.lower() + nums + '_') equiv_class = Group(candidate + ZeroOrMore(Word('~').suppress() + candidate)) weak_preference = equiv_class + ZeroOrMore(Word('>').suppress() + equiv_class) empty_preference = ZeroOrMore(' ') # if s = 'Jean ~ Titi ~ tata32 > me > you ~ us > them', then # parsed = [['Jean', 'Titi', 'tata32'], ['me'], ['you', 'us'], ['them']] try: parsed = empty_preference.parseString(s, parseAll=True).asList() except ParseException: parsed = weak_preference.parseString(s, parseAll=True).asList() # Final conversion to format [{'Jean', 'tata32', 'Titi'}, {'me'}, {'us', 'you'}, {'them'}] return [NiceSet(s) for s in parsed]
[docs]def set_to_list(s: set) -> list: """ Convert a set to a list. Parameters ---------- s : set Returns ------- list The result is similar to list(s), but if the elements of the set are comparable, they appear in ascending order. Examples -------- >>> set_to_list({2, 42, 12}) [2, 12, 42] """ try: return sorted(s) except TypeError: return list(s)
[docs]def set_to_str(s: set) -> str: """ Convert a set to a string. Parameters ---------- s : set Returns ------- str The result is similar to str(s), but if the elements of the set are comparable, they appear in ascending order. Examples -------- >>> set_to_str({2, 42, 12}) '{2, 12, 42}' """ try: return '{' + str(sorted(s))[1:-1] + '}' except TypeError: return str(s)
[docs]class NiceSet(set): """ A set that prints in order (when the elements are comparable). Examples -------- >>> my_set = NiceSet({'b', 'a', 'c'}) >>> my_set {'a', 'b', 'c'} """ def __repr__(self): try: return '{' + str(sorted(self))[1:-1] + '}' except TypeError: return str(set(self))
[docs]def dict_to_items(d: dict) -> list: """ Convert a dict to a list of pairs (key, value). Parameters ---------- d : dict Returns ------- list of pairs The result is similar to d.items(), but if the keys are comparable, they appear in ascending order. Examples -------- >>> dict_to_items({'b': 2, 'c': 0, 'a': 1}) [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 0)] """ try: return [(k, d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys())] except TypeError: return list(d.items())
[docs]def dict_to_str(d: dict) -> str: """ Convert dict to string. Parameters ---------- d : dict Returns ------- str The result is similar to str(d), but if the keys are comparable, they appear in ascending order. Examples -------- >>> dict_to_str({'b': 2, 'c': 0, 'a': 1}) "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 0}" """ try: return '{' + ', '.join(['%r: %r' % (k, d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys())]) + '}' except TypeError: return str(d)
[docs]class NiceDict(dict): """ A dict that prints in the order of the keys (when they are comparable). Examples -------- >>> my_dict = NiceDict({'b': 51, 'a': 42, 'c': 12}) >>> my_dict {'a': 42, 'b': 51, 'c': 12} """ def __repr__(self) -> str: return dict_to_str(self)
[docs]def take_closest(my_list, my_number): """ In a list, take the closest element to a given number. From . Parameters ---------- my_list : list A list sorted in ascending order. my_number : Number Returns ------- Number The element of ``my_list`` that is closest to ``my_number``. If two numbers are equally close, return the smallest number. Examples -------- >>> take_closest([0, 5, 10], 3) 5 """ pos = bisect_left(my_list, my_number) if pos == 0: return my_list[0] if pos == len(my_list): return my_list[-1] before = my_list[pos - 1] after = my_list[pos] if after - my_number < my_number - before: return after else: return before
[docs]def convert_number(x: Number): """ Try to convert a number to a fraction (or an integer). Parameters ---------- x : Number Returns ------- Number ``x``, trying to convert it into a fraction (or an integer). Examples -------- >>> convert_number(2.5) Fraction(5, 2) >>> convert_number(2.0) 2 """ if isinstance(x, float): x = str(x) try: value = Fraction(x) if value.denominator == 1: return value.numerator else: return value except (TypeError, ValueError): return x
[docs]def my_division(x: Number, y: Number, divide_by_zero: Number = None): """ Division of two numbers, trying to be exact if it is reasonable. Parameters ---------- x : Number y : Number divide_by_zero : Number The value to be returned in case of division by zero. If None (default), then it raises a ZeroDivisionError. Returns ------- Number The division of `x` by `y`. Examples -------- >>> my_division(5, 2) Fraction(5, 2) If `x` or `y` is a float, then the result is a float: >>> my_division(Fraction(5, 2), 0.1) 25.0 >>> my_division(0.1, Fraction(5, 2)) 0.04 If `x` and `y` are integers, decimals or fractions, then the result is a fraction: >>> my_division(2, Fraction(5, 2)) Fraction(4, 5) >>> my_division(Decimal('0.1'), Fraction(5, 2)) Fraction(1, 25) You can specify a particular return value in case of division by zero: >>> my_division(1, 0, divide_by_zero=42) 42 """ if y == 0: if divide_by_zero is None: raise ZeroDivisionError return divide_by_zero if isinstance(x, float) or isinstance(y, float): return x / y try: return convert_number(Fraction(x) / Fraction(y)) except ValueError: raise NotImplementedError