Source code for whalrus.rules.rule_majority_judgment

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Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

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from whalrus.scorers.scorer import Scorer
from whalrus.scorers.scorer_levels import ScorerLevels
from whalrus.scales.scale import Scale
from whalrus.scales.scale_from_list import ScaleFromList
from whalrus.rules.rule_score import RuleScore
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_to_levels import ConverterBallotToLevels
from whalrus.utils.utils import cached_property, NiceDict, my_division
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot import ConverterBallot

[docs]class RuleMajorityJudgment(RuleScore): """ Majority Judgment. Parameters ---------- args Cf. parent class. converter : ConverterBallot Default: :class:`ConverterBallotToLevels`, with ``scale=scorer.scale``. scorer : Scorer Default: :class:`ScorerLevels`. Alternatively, you may provide an argument ``scale``. In that case, the scorer will be ``ScorerLevels(scale)``. default_median : object The median level that a candidate has when it receives absolutely no evaluation whatsoever. kwargs Cf. parent class. Examples -------- >>> rule = RuleMajorityJudgment([{'a': 1, 'b': 1}, {'a': .5, 'b': .6}, ... {'a': .5, 'b': .4}, {'a': .3, 'b': .2}]) >>> rule.scores_as_floats_ {'a': (0.5, -0.25, 0.25), 'b': (0.4, 0.5, -0.25)} >>> rule.winner_ 'a' For each candidate, its median evaluation `m` is computed. When a candidate has two medians (like candidate `b` in the above example, with .4 and .6), the lower value is considered. Let `p` (resp. `q`) denote the proportion of the voters who evaluate the candidate better (resp. worse) than its median. The score of the candidate is the tuple `(m, p, -q)` if `p > q`, and `(m, -q, p)` otherwise. Scores are compared lexicographically. For Majority Judgment, verbal evaluation are generally used. The following example is actually the same as above, but with verbal evaluations instead of grades: >>> rule = RuleMajorityJudgment([ ... {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Excellent'}, {'a': 'Good', 'b': 'Very Good'}, ... {'a': 'Good', 'b': 'Acceptable'}, {'a': 'Poor', 'b': 'To Reject'} ... ], scale=ScaleFromList(['To Reject', 'Poor', 'Acceptable', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Excellent'])) >>> rule.scores_as_floats_ {'a': ('Good', -0.25, 0.25), 'b': ('Acceptable', 0.5, -0.25)} >>> rule.winner_ 'a' By changing the ``scorer``, you may define a very different rule. The following one rewards the candidate with best median Borda score (with secondary criteria that are similar to Majority Judgment, i.e. the proportions of voters who give a candidate more / less than its median Borda score): >>> from whalrus.scorers.scorer_borda import ScorerBorda >>> from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_to_order import ConverterBallotToOrder >>> rule = RuleMajorityJudgment(scorer=ScorerBorda(), converter=ConverterBallotToOrder()) >>> rule(['a > b ~ c > d', 'c > a > b > d']).scores_as_floats_ {'a': (2.0, 0.5, 0.0), 'b': (1.0, 0.5, 0.0), 'c': (1.5, 0.5, 0.0), 'd': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)} >>> rule.winner_ 'a' """ def __init__(self, *args, converter: ConverterBallot = None, scorer: Scorer = None, scale: Scale = None, default_median: object = None, **kwargs): # Default value if scorer is None: scorer = ScorerLevels(scale=scale) if converter is None: converter = ConverterBallotToLevels(scale=scorer.scale) # Parameters self.scorer = scorer self.default_median = default_median super().__init__(*args, converter=converter, **kwargs) @cached_property def scores_(self) -> NiceDict: """NiceDict: The scores. A :class:`NiceDict` of triples. """ levels_ = NiceDict({c: [] for c in self.candidates_}) weights_ = NiceDict({c: [] for c in self.candidates_}) for ballot, weight, voter in self.profile_converted_.items(): for c, level in self.scorer(ballot=ballot, voter=voter, candidates=self.candidates_).scores_.items(): levels_[c].append(level) weights_[c].append(weight) scores_ = NiceDict() for c in self.candidates_: if not levels_[c]: scores_[c] = (self.default_median, 0, 0) continue indexes = self.scorer.scale.argsort(levels_[c]) levels_[c] = [levels_[c][i] for i in indexes] weights_[c] = [weights_[c][i] for i in indexes] total_weight = sum(weights_[c]) half_total_weight = my_division(total_weight, 2) cumulative_weight = 0 median = None for i, weight in enumerate(weights_[c]): cumulative_weight += weight if cumulative_weight >= half_total_weight: median = levels_[c][i] break p = sum([weights_[c][i] for i, level in enumerate(levels_[c]) if, median)]) q = sum([weights_[c][i] for i, level in enumerate(levels_[c]) if, median)]) if p > q: scores_[c] = (median, my_division(p, total_weight), -my_division(q, total_weight)) else: scores_[c] = (median, -my_division(q, total_weight), my_division(p, total_weight)) return scores_
[docs] def compare_scores(self, one: tuple, another: tuple) -> int: if one == another: return 0 if[0], another[0]): return -1 if[0], another[0]): return 1 return -1 if (one[1], one[2]) < (another[1], another[2]) else 1
@cached_property def scores_as_floats_(self) -> NiceDict: """NiceDict: Scores as floats. It is the same as :attr:`scores_`, but converted to floats. """ def my_float(x): try: return float(x) except ValueError: return x return NiceDict({c: (my_float(s), float(x), float(y)) for c, (s, x, y) in self.scores_.items()})