Source code for whalrus.rules.rule

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

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import logging
from whalrus.utils.utils import DeleteCacheMixin, cached_property, NiceSet
from whalrus.priorities.priority import Priority
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_general import ConverterBallotGeneral
from whalrus.profiles.profile import Profile
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot import ConverterBallot
from typing import Union

[docs]class Rule(DeleteCacheMixin): """ A voting rule. A :class:`Rule` object is a callable whose inputs are ballots and optionally weights, voters and candidates. When the rule is called, it loads the profile. The output of the call is the rule itself. But after the call, you can access to the computed variables (ending with an underscore), such as :attr:`cowinners_`. At the initialization of a :class:`Rule` object, some options can be given, such as a tie-break rule or a converter. In some subclasses, there can also be an option about the way to count abstentions, etc. Parameters ---------- args If present, these parameters will be passed to ``__call__`` immediately after initialization. tie_break : Priority A tie-break rule. converter : ConverterBallot The converter that is used to convert input ballots in order to compute :attr:`profile_converted_`. Default: :class:`ConverterBallotGeneral`. kwargs If present, these parameters will be passed to ``__call__`` immediately after initialization. Attributes ---------- profile_original_ : Profile The profile as it is entered by the user. Since it uses the constructor of :class:`Profile`, it indirectly uses :class:`ConverterBallotGeneral` to ensure, for example, that strings like ``'a > b > c'`` are converted to :class:`Ballot` objects. profile_converted_ : Profile The profile, with ballots that are adapted to the voting rule. For example, in :class:`RulePlurality`, it will be :class:`BallotPlurality` objects, even if the original ballots are :class:`BallotOrder` objects. This uses the parameter ``converter`` of the rule. candidates_ : NiceSet The candidates of the election, as entered in the ``__call__``. Examples -------- Cf. :class:`RulePlurality` for some examples. """ def __init__(self, *args, tie_break: Priority = Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS, converter: ConverterBallot = None, **kwargs): """ Remark: this `__init__` must always be called at the end of the subclasses' `__init__`. """ if converter is None: converter = ConverterBallotGeneral() # Parameters self.tie_break = tie_break self.converter = converter # Computed variables self.profile_original_ = None self.profile_converted_ = None self.candidates_ = None # Optional: load a profile at initialization if args or kwargs: self(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, ballots: Union[list, Profile] = None, weights: list = None, voters: list = None, candidates: set = None): self.profile_original_ = Profile(ballots, weights=weights, voters=voters) self.profile_converted_ = Profile([self.converter(b, candidates) for b in self.profile_original_], weights=self.profile_original_.weights, voters=self.profile_original_.voters) if candidates is None: candidates = set().union(*[b.candidates for b in self.profile_converted_]) self.candidates_ = NiceSet(candidates) self._check_profile(candidates) self.delete_cache() return self def _check_profile(self, candidates: set) -> None: if any([b.candidates != candidates for b in self.profile_converted_]): logging.warning('Some ballots do not have the same set of candidates as the whole election.') @cached_property def n_candidates_(self) -> int: """int: Number of candidates. """ return len(self.candidates_) @cached_property def cowinners_(self) -> NiceSet: """NiceSet: Cowinners of the election, i.e. the candidates that fare best in the election.. This is the first equivalence class in :attr:`order_`. For example, in :class:`RuleScoreNum`, it is the candidates that are tied for the best score. """ # N.B.: it is recommended to override this method when it is possible to make computation cheaper. return self.order_[0] @cached_property def winner_(self) -> object: """object: The winner of the election. This is the first candidate in :attr:`strict_order_` and also the choice of the tie-breaking rule in :attr:`cowinners_`. """ return self.tie_break.choice(self.cowinners_) @cached_property def cotrailers_(self) -> NiceSet: """NiceSet: "Cotrailers" of the election, i.e. the candidates that fare worst in the election. This is the last equivalence class in :attr:`order_`. For example, in :class:`RuleScoreNum`, it is the candidates that are tied for the worst score. """ # N.B.: it is recommended to override this method when it is possible to make computation cheaper. return self.order_[-1] @cached_property def trailer_(self) -> object: """object: The "trailer" of the election. This is the last candidate in :attr:`strict_order_` and also the unfavorable choice of the tie-breaking rule in :attr:`cotrailers_`. """ if len(self.cotrailers_) == self.n_candidates_: # Caution, the winner is in ``self.cotrailers_``... if self.n_candidates_ == 1: # If there is only one candidate, you have no choice. return list(self.candidates_)[0] else: # In other cases, you must be careful not to output the winner (especially for random tie-breaking). return self.tie_break.choice( [candidate for candidate in self.cotrailers_ if candidate != self.winner_], reverse=True) return self.tie_break.choice(self.cotrailers_, reverse=True) @cached_property def order_(self) -> list: """list: Result of the election as a (weak) order over the candidates. This is a list of :class:`NiceSet`. The first set contains the candidates that are tied for victory, etc. """ raise NotImplementedError @cached_property def strict_order_(self) -> list: """list: Result of the election as a strict order over the candidates. The first element is the winner, etc. This may use the tie-breaking rule. """ strict_order = [candidate for tie_class in self.order_ for candidate in self.tie_break.sort(tie_class)] # Check if this is consistent with ``self.winner_`` and ``self.trailer_`` (especially for random tie-breaking). if strict_order[0] != self.winner_: strict_order.remove(self.winner_) strict_order.insert(0, self.winner_) if strict_order[-1] != self.trailer_: strict_order.remove(self.trailer_) strict_order.append(self.trailer_) return strict_order