Source code for whalrus.priorities.priority

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

This file is part of Whalrus.

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import random
from typing import Union
from functools import cmp_to_key
# Ideally, all Union[set, list] in this file should be typing.Collection, but it is only defined in Python >= 3.6.

[docs]class Priority: """ A priority setting, i.e. a policy to break ties and indifference classes. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this priority setting. Attributes ---------- UNAMBIGUOUS Shortcut for :class:`PriorityUnambiguous`. ABSTAIN Shortcut for :class:`PriorityAbstain`. ASCENDING Shortcut for :class:`PriorityAscending`. DESCENDING Shortcut for :class:`PriorityDescending`. RANDOM Shortcut for :class:`PriorityRandom`. Examples -------- Typical usage: >>> priority = Priority.ASCENDING >>> priority.choice({'c', 'a', 'b'}) 'a' >>> priority.sort({'c', 'a', 'b'}) ['a', 'b', 'c'] """ def __init__(self, name: str): = name def __str__(self) -> str: """ Examples -------- >>> str(Priority.ASCENDING) 'Ascending' """ return
[docs] def compare(self, c, d) -> int: """ Compare two candidates. Parameters ---------- c : candidate d : candidate. Returns ------- int 0 if `c = d`, -1 if the tie is broken in favor of `c` over `d`, 1 otherwise. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool = False) -> object: """ Choose an element from a list, set, etc. Parameters ---------- x : list, set, etc. The list, set, etc where the element is to be chosen. reverse : bool If False (default), then we choose the "first" or "best" element in this priority order. For example, if this is the ascending priority, we choose the lowest element. If True, then we choose the "last" or "worst" element. This is used, for example, in :class:`RuleVeto`. Returns ------- object The chosen element (or None). When ``x`` is empty, return None. When ``x`` has one element, return this element. """ if len(x) == 0: return None if len(x) == 1: return list(x)[0] return self._choice(x, reverse=reverse)
def _choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> object: """ Auxiliary function for :meth:`choice`. Here, ``x`` is assumed to have at least 2 elements. """ if reverse: return max(x, key=cmp_to_key( else: return min(x, key=cmp_to_key(
[docs] def sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool = False) -> Union[list, None]: """ Sort a list, set, etc. The original list ``x`` is not modified. Parameters ---------- x : list, set, etc. reverse : bool If True, we use the reverse priority order. Returns ------- list or None A sorted list (or None). """ if len(x) <= 1: return list(x) return self._sort(x, reverse=reverse)
def _sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: """ Auxiliary function for :meth:`sort`. Here, ``x`` is assumed to have at least 2 elements. """ return sorted(x, key=cmp_to_key(, reverse=reverse)
[docs] def sort_pairs_rp(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool = False) -> Union[list, None]: """ Sort a list, set, etc. of pairs of candidates (for Ranked Pairs). By default, it is in the normal priority order for the first element of the pair, and in the reverse priority order for the second element of the pair. The original list ``x`` is not modified. Parameters ---------- x : list, set, etc. reverse : bool If True, we use the reverse priority order. Returns ------- list or None A sorted list (or None). """ if len(x) <= 1: return list(x) return self._sort_pairs_rp(x=x, reverse=reverse)
def _sort_pairs_rp(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: def compare_pairs(pair_1, pair_2): comp_left =[0], pair_2[0]) if comp_left != 0: return comp_left return -[1], pair_2[1]) return sorted(x, key=cmp_to_key(compare_pairs), reverse=reverse) # Priority orders defined by default # ---------------------------------- # The following constants are defined outside the class to avoid a problem of self-reference. UNAMBIGUOUS = None ABSTAIN = None ASCENDING = None DESCENDING = None RANDOM = None
[docs]class PriorityUnambiguous(Priority): """ When there are two elements or more, raise a ValueError. Examples -------- >>> try: ... Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS.choice({'a', 'b'}) ... except ValueError: ... print('Cannot choose') Cannot choose >>> try: ... Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS.sort({'a', 'b'}) ... except ValueError: ... print('Cannot sort') Cannot sort """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='Unambiguous') def __repr__(self): return 'Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS'
[docs] def compare(self, c, d) -> int: raise ValueError("Cannot compare %r and %r with priority set to Unambiguous." % (c, d))
def _choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> object: raise ValueError("Cannot choose from %r with priority set to Unambiguous." % x) def _sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: raise ValueError("Cannot sort %r with priority set to Unambiguous." % x) def _sort_pairs_rp(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: raise ValueError("Cannot sort %r with priority set to Unambiguous." % x)
Priority.UNAMBIGUOUS = PriorityUnambiguous()
[docs]class PriorityAbstain(Priority): """ When there are two elements or more, return None. Examples -------- >>> print(Priority.ABSTAIN.choice({'a', 'b'})) None >>> print(Priority.ABSTAIN.sort({'a', 'b'})) None """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='Abstain') def __repr__(self): return 'Priority.ABSTAIN'
[docs] def compare(self, c, d) -> int: return None
def _choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> object: return None def _sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: return None def _sort_pairs_rp(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: return None
Priority.ABSTAIN = PriorityAbstain()
[docs]class PriorityAscending(Priority): """ Ascending order (lowest is favoured). Examples -------- >>> Priority.ASCENDING.choice({'a', 'b'}) 'a' >>> Priority.ASCENDING.sort({'a', 'b'}) ['a', 'b'] >>> Priority.ASCENDING.sort_pairs_rp({('a', 'b'), ('b', 'a'), ('a', 'c')}) [('a', 'c'), ('a', 'b'), ('b', 'a')] """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='Ascending') def __repr__(self): return 'Priority.ASCENDING'
[docs] def compare(self, c, d) -> int: if c == d: return 0 return -1 if c < d else 1
def _choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> object: if reverse: return max(x) return min(x) def _sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: return sorted(x, reverse=reverse)
Priority.ASCENDING = PriorityAscending()
[docs]class PriorityDescending(Priority): """ Descending order (highest is favoured). Examples -------- >>> Priority.DESCENDING.choice({'a', 'b'}) 'b' >>> Priority.DESCENDING.sort({'a', 'b'}) ['b', 'a'] >>> Priority.DESCENDING.sort_pairs_rp({('a', 'b'), ('b', 'a'), ('a', 'c')}) [('b', 'a'), ('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c')] """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='Descending') def __repr__(self): return 'Priority.DESCENDING'
[docs] def compare(self, c, d) -> int: if c == d: return 0 return 1 if c < d else -1
def _choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> object: if reverse: return min(x) return max(x) def _sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: return sorted(x, reverse=not reverse)
Priority.DESCENDING = PriorityDescending()
[docs]class PriorityRandom(Priority): """ Random order. Examples -------- >>> my_choice = Priority.RANDOM.choice({'a', 'b'}) >>> my_choice in {'a', 'b'} True >>> my_order = Priority.RANDOM.sort({'a', 'b'}) >>> my_order == ['a', 'b'] or my_order == ['b', 'a'] True """ def __init__(self): super().__init__(name='Random') def __repr__(self): return 'Priority.RANDOM'
[docs] def compare(self, c, d) -> int: if c == d: return 0 return random.choice([-1, 1])
def _choice(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> object: return random.choice(list(x)) def _sort(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool) -> Union[list, None]: return random.sample(x, len(x)) def _sort_pairs_rp(self, x: Union[set, list], reverse: bool): return random.sample(x, len(x))
Priority.RANDOM = PriorityRandom()