Source code for whalrus.matrices.matrix

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

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import logging
import numpy as np
from whalrus.utils.utils import DeleteCacheMixin, cached_property, NiceSet, set_to_list, NiceDict
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_general import ConverterBallotGeneral
from whalrus.profiles.profile import Profile
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot import ConverterBallot
from typing import Union

[docs]class Matrix(DeleteCacheMixin): """ A way to compute a matrix from a profile. A :class:`Matrix` object is a callable whose inputs are ballots and optionally weights, voters and candidates. When it is called, it loads the profile. The output of the call is the :class:`Matrix` object itself. But after the call, you can access to the computed variables (ending with an underscore), such as :attr:`as_dict_` or :attr:`as_array_`. Parameters ---------- args If present, these parameters will be passed to ``__call__`` immediately after initialization. converter : ConverterBallot The converter that is used to convert input ballots in order to compute :attr:`profile_converted_`. Default: :class:`ConverterBallotGeneral`. kwargs If present, these parameters will be passed to ``__call__`` immediately after initialization. Attributes ---------- profile_original_ : Profile The profile as it is entered by the user. This uses the constructor of :class:`Profile`. Hence indirectly, it uses :class:`ConverterBallotGeneral` to ensure, for example, that strings like ``'a > b > c'`` are converted to :class:``Ballot`` objects. profile_converted_: Profile The profile, with ballots that are adequate for the voting rule. For example, in :class:`MatrixWeightedMajority`, it will be :class:`BallotOrder` objects. This uses the parameter ``converter`` of the object. candidates_ : NiceSet The candidates of the election, as entered in the ``__call__``. Examples -------- Cf. :class:`MatrixWeightedMajority` for some examples. """ def __init__(self, *args, converter: ConverterBallot = None, **kwargs): """ Remark: this `__init__` must always be called at the end of the subclasses' `__init__`. """ # Parameters if converter is None: converter = ConverterBallotGeneral() self.converter = converter # Computed variables self.profile_original_ = None self.profile_converted_ = None self.candidates_ = None # Optional: load a profile at initialization if args or kwargs: self(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, ballots: Union[list, Profile] = None, weights: list = None, voters: list = None, candidates: set = None): self.profile_original_ = Profile(ballots, weights=weights, voters=voters) self.profile_converted_ = Profile([self.converter(b, candidates) for b in self.profile_original_], weights=self.profile_original_.weights, voters=self.profile_original_.voters) if candidates is None: candidates = NiceSet(set().union(*[b.candidates for b in self.profile_converted_])) self.candidates_ = candidates self._check_profile(candidates) self.delete_cache() return self def _check_profile(self, candidates: set) -> None: if any([b.candidates != candidates for b in self.profile_converted_]): logging.warning('Some ballots do not have the same set of candidates as the whole election.') @cached_property def as_dict_(self) -> NiceDict: """NiceDict: The matrix, as a :class:`NiceDict`. Keys are pairs of candidates, and values are the coefficients of the matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError @cached_property def candidates_as_list_(self) -> list: """list: The list of candidates. Candidates are sorted if possible. """ return set_to_list(self.candidates_) @cached_property def candidates_indexes_(self) -> NiceDict: """NiceDict: The candidates as a dictionary. To each candidate, it associates its index in :attr:`candidates_as_list_`. """ return NiceDict({c: i for i, c in enumerate(self.candidates_as_list_)}) @cached_property def as_array_(self) -> np.array: """Array : The matrix, as a numpy array. Each row and each column corresponds to a candidate (in the order of :attr:`candidates_as_list_`). """ return np.array([[self.as_dict_[(c, d)] for d in self.candidates_as_list_] for c in self.candidates_as_list_]) @cached_property def as_array_of_floats_(self) -> np.array: """Array : The matrix, as a numpy array. It is the same as :attr:`as_array_`, but converted to floats. """ return self.as_array_.astype(float)