Source code for whalrus.eliminations.elimination

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

This file is part of Whalrus.

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from whalrus.utils.utils import cached_property, DeleteCacheMixin, NiceSet
from whalrus.rules.rule import Rule

[docs]class Elimination(DeleteCacheMixin): """ An elimination method. An :class:`Elimination` object is a callable whose input is a :class:`Rule` (which has already loaded a profile). When the :class:`Elimination` object is called, it loads the rule. The output of the call is the :class:`Elimination` object itself. But after the call, you can access to the computed variables (ending with an underscore), such as :attr:`eliminated_order_`, :attr:`eliminated_` or :attr:`qualified_`. Parameters ---------- args If present, these parameters will be passed to ``__call__`` immediately after initialization. kwargs If present, these parameters will be passed to ``__call__`` immediately after initialization. Attributes ---------- rule_ : Rule This attribute stores the rule given in argument of the ``__call__``. Examples -------- Cf. :class:`EliminationLast` for some examples. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Remark: this `__init__` must always be called at the end of the subclasses' `__init__`. """ # Computed variables self.rule_ = None # Optional: load a rule at initialization if args or kwargs: self(*args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, rule: Rule): self.rule_ = rule self.delete_cache() return self @cached_property def eliminated_order_(self) -> list: """list: The order on the eliminated candidates. It is a list where each element is a :class:`NiceSet`. Each set represents a class of tied candidates. The first set in the list represents the "best" eliminated candidates, whereas the last set represent the "worst" candidates. """ raise NotImplementedError @cached_property def eliminated_(self) -> NiceSet: """NiceSet: The eliminated candidates. This should always be non-empty. It may contain all the candidates (for example, it is always the case when there was only one candidate in the election). """ return NiceSet(c for tie_class in self.eliminated_order_ for c in tie_class) @cached_property def qualified_(self) -> NiceSet: """NiceSet: The candidates that are qualified (not eliminated). """ return NiceSet(self.rule_.candidates_ - self.eliminated_)