Source code for whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_to_levels_list_non_numeric

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright Sylvain Bouveret, Yann Chevaleyre and François Durand,,

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from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot import ConverterBallot
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_general import ConverterBallotGeneral
from whalrus.converters_ballot.converter_ballot_to_levels_range import ConverterBallotToLevelsRange
from whalrus.ballots.ballot_veto import BallotVeto
from whalrus.ballots.ballot_plurality import BallotPlurality
from whalrus.ballots.ballot_one_name import BallotOneName
from whalrus.ballots.ballot_levels import BallotLevels
from whalrus.scales.scale_interval import ScaleInterval
from whalrus.scales.scale_from_list import ScaleFromList
from whalrus.scales.scale_from_set import ScaleFromSet
from whalrus.scales.scale_range import ScaleRange
import logging

[docs]class ConverterBallotToLevelsListNonNumeric(ConverterBallot): """ Default converter to a :class:`BallotLevels` using a :class:`ScaleFromList` of levels that are not numbers. This converter works essentially the same as :class:`ConverterBallotToLevelsInterval`, but it then maps the evaluation to levels of the scale. Parameters ---------- scale : ScaleFromList The scale. borda_unordered_give_points : bool When converting a :class:`BallotOrder` that is not a :class:`BallotLevels`, we use Borda scores as a calculation step. This parameter decides whether the unordered candidates of the ballot give points to the ordered candidates. Cf. :class:`ScorerBorda`. Examples -------- Typical usages: >>> converter = ConverterBallotToLevelsListNonNumeric( ... scale=ScaleFromList(['Bad', 'Medium', 'Good', 'Very Good', 'Great', 'Excellent'])) >>> b = BallotLevels({'a': 1, 'b': .2}, candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}, scale=ScaleInterval(-1, 1)) >>> converter(b).as_dict {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Very Good'} >>> b = BallotLevels({'a': 5, 'b': 4}, candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}, scale=ScaleRange(0, 5)) >>> converter(b).as_dict {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Great'} >>> b = BallotLevels({'a': 4, 'b': 0}, candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'}, scale=ScaleFromSet({-1, 0, 4})) >>> converter(b).as_dict {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Medium'} >>> converter(BallotOneName('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'})).as_dict {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Bad', 'c': 'Bad'} >>> converter(BallotPlurality('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'})).as_dict {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Bad', 'c': 'Bad'} >>> converter(BallotVeto('a', candidates={'a', 'b', 'c'})).as_dict {'a': 'Bad', 'b': 'Excellent', 'c': 'Excellent'} >>> converter('a > b > c > d').as_dict {'a': 'Excellent', 'b': 'Very Good', 'c': 'Good', 'd': 'Bad'} """ def __init__(self, scale: ScaleFromList, borda_unordered_give_points: bool = True): self.scale = scale self.borda_unordered_give_points = borda_unordered_give_points def __call__(self, x: object, candidates: set =None) -> BallotLevels: x = ConverterBallotGeneral()(x, candidates=None) if isinstance(x, BallotLevels) and any([level in self.scale.levels for level in x.values()]): if all([level in self.scale.levels for level in x.values()]): return BallotLevels(x.as_dict, scale=self.scale) else: # Cf. test_ConverterBallotToLevelsListNonNumeric for an explanation of this edge case. logging.warning('Not all levels of ballot ``%s`` are in the scale.' % x) x = ConverterBallotToLevelsRange( scale=ScaleRange(low=0, high=len(self.scale.levels) - 1), borda_unordered_give_points=self.borda_unordered_give_points )(x, candidates=None) return BallotLevels({c: self.scale.levels[v] for c, v in x.items()}, candidates=x.candidates, scale=self.scale).restrict(candidates=candidates)